35mm Film- Cozumel, Mexico

I usually don’t take my digital cameras with me when traveling, but have gotten in the habit of bringing a film camera, and have been loving the results! l have quite a few film cameras, but my pocket sized Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 170 is my favorite. It’s a 35mm point and shoot film camera with a built-in flash. I typically use Portra 400 film, but for this roll used Fujifulm 200, and was happy with the color.

I recently went to Cozumel, Mexico to get scuba certified, and thought some film would be a great way to remember the trip. The island is full of art and bold colors, surrounded by the bluest waters.

jeanie horton
Bay Area portrait photographer

SF City Hall- Ami + Michael


Ina Coolbridge Surprise Proposal- Katie + Eric